I dive deeply into the history of Mantras in the NEW FREE Advanced Resource below, but today we’re going to take a much lighter look and play with One Powerful Mantra for more happiness, peace of mind and flow.
Quite simply a mantra is a phrase that you give to your mind to focus on, to support it in quieting and coming into the experience you seek.
While they’re not the same, for the purpose of today’s exploration, you can think of them like an affirmation!

We Die Without Love
Newborn babies literally die without love and touch.
And while we’ve now built ways to cope with not getting the love we’d like most, we still need Love, and we NEED TO KNOW WE ARE LOVABLE.
Some Woo-Woo Wisdom 🐉
It’s woo-woo. But Fenix and I believe that it is Love that heals.
Some others also believe in the healing power of Love.
All you need is love – The Beatles
Eventually, you will come to understand that love heals everything, and love is all there is – Gary Zukav
Love heals – Maya Angelou
Love is infectious and the greatest healing energy - Sai Baba
Love heals all wounds and not just time alone – Jeff Buckley
Your Loving Self-Talk Workout 💪
A Mantra for More Life-Force and Love
- Simply say, either inwardly in silence, or you can do this out-loud: I am Loved. Say this as you breathe in, slowly, luxuriously.
- Next, say: I am Loving. Say this as you breathe out, slowly.
- Finally say: I Am L🥰VE! As you breathe in AND out. Slowly.
- Repeat and continue to expand your experience of the essence you are saying.
- As you say I am Loved: experience love coming into your heart chakra as you deeply experience that you ARE Loved, supported and connected.
- And as you say I am Loving: let yourself feel and enjoy loving energy radiating from your heart chakra: a warmth extending out as you exhale and breathe out. Let yourself acknowledge how loving you are.
- And finally as you say I Am Love: allow yourself to experience wholeness, and great Loving as you receive a complete breath in and out. Let yourself experience that while you have a human body - what you really are is the loving invisible energy within you 🥰

Get the Book or Listen to the Free Workshop on Mantras here
I hope you know how much we love and appreciate you.
We love you! Zoe 🤗 , Fenix 🐾 & 🌈 Ellie 🐶