Every Friday we’re now doing Fenix Freebie Friday!
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We’re All Challenged Right Now 😬
Being a human can feel challenging. We’re here to be grown, and expanded, and that growth can feel uncomfortable and even painful.
When the Going Gets Tough, Most People Get Tough
Most of us were taught, when the going gets tough, we toughen up, we suck it up, we force and push our way through.
It Doesn’t Work for Sensitive, High Souls
And that means it probably doesn’t work for you. (You wouldn’t be here if you weren’t a sensitive, high vibration).
Toughening up when we’re in pain, upset, experiencing big problems, doesn’t work because that activates our fight or flight response.
And for ego-driven people, that can actually work quite well.
There are a lot of people fighting, and using greed, power and force to be successful. And while their world might LOOK successful. If we zoomed in we would find the absence of any authentic success or fulfillment.

Sensitive, High Souls Need to Feel First
We all want to DO something when we have a problem.
I am NOT suggesting just chill, feel your feelings, AND DO NOTHING.
I am telling you:
If you can feel and support your inside challenges FIRST.
You will then have the energy and clarity you need to do something SECOND.
I’ve Been Walking My Talk Lately 🥹
I have been feeling for healing.
I have been using my own fears and disappointments of late, to dive me deeply into profound healing.
I didn’t grow up with money.
So fears about money recently has called me to heal and rewire some deep and old experiences from my past.
That healing has led me to be ABLE to be more vulnerable and real with all of you about this email coaching business. My Long Vulnerable Share Here
We hope you all will upgrade and support this work!
And we trust, that there is something bigger and better for Fenix and my next adventure if it doesn’t all come together!
Love Dr Zoë
A Sacred Self-Healing Workout
Transforming ‘Problems’, Challenges and Upset, into Clarity and Energy for Moving Forward
- So the next time you feel really down… I mean really down. Try this.
- Imagine that there is a small child inside of you. Imagine that the part of you that feels really down, or not-enough, disappointed, betrayed, like a failure… etc… is a small child inside of you. You can call them “Little Your-Name”.
- Let Little-You speak. Give Little-You the pen and let them write. Let them share how they feel. Let them write uncensored, freely, whatever they want. Let them keep writing until they feel a little complete, a little silent.
- Be soft, be kind, build them up with Love. Now get up, maybe grab a drink of water, move around a little. You are now going to use the MOST kind, loving, and soft-hearted place inside of you to respond. From Your Soft Loving Heart, write back to yourself. Tell yourself what you need to hear. Embrace, be kind and love yourself. [Don’t try to fix or change yourself, but be kind, compassionate and supportive].
- Now ask Little-You ‘What do you need?’ Let them answer.
- Now, as Your Soft Loving Heart… give Little-You what they need. Use your imagination, your intention, your intuition.
- Love yourself. Trust you. Trust your heart. Keep going until you have allowed some of your own Loving and Support to truly be felt within.
Today's Advanced Resource is the 7-Step Healing Guide
We all have had experiences in our lives, where we were not seen, heard and loved fully.
It’s these experiences, particularly in childhood, that can trigger us to protect ourselves by armoring or closing our heart, so that further or future pain, disappointment, rejection and sadness is not felt.
The process below allows us to connect with these challenging memories, in a particular compassionate and loving way, that begins to release that method of protection: the copying mechanism that was created at that time, in service to clearing the ways you’re holding yourself back through protection and separation.

Get the Book or Listen to the Free Workshop on Healing Process here
Fenix Freebie Deets 📌
- Watch this full video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V7Pyf8-0KnI
- Subscribe to Fenix’ Youtube Channel
- Like the Video
- Share the Video
- Email us (support@allowinglove.org) to let us know you did all that 👆 Including your mailing address for shipping the PetFood Express $150 Gift Card to you if you win. There’ll be more chances to win all December!!! Gift Card drawn early January 🎁
We Love You 😘
Zoe 🤗 , Fenix 🐾 & 🌈 Ellie 🐶