Using Your Fear as Fuel for Life ⛽️
Transforming Negative Experience into Clarity & Energy
We All Face Adversity
Learning how to transform our fear, overwhelm, and anxiety can be truly life-changing. All adversity CAN be used as an ASSET.
But yes it takes skill and compassion to learn how to turn our fears into fuel for moving forward and overcoming all that's in our way.
In my experience, people often overlook this simple yet powerful technique because it appears too straightforward.
To effectively shift fear, overwhelm, anxiety, or any other unwanted emotions, we intentionally release everything we are holding onto at the moment. Michael Singer eloquently explains this process in his book "The Untethered Soul". [1]
Today's workout involves relaxation and releasing negative emotions such as fear, overwhelm, and anxiety. This simple yet nuanced skill will help you find the gold at the heart of every aspect of adversity in your life.
But first, Fenix has something to say...
Fenix' PepTalk 🐾
It can be tough to turn around our pain, pressure and problems. Let me show you how I do it...
Fenix' PepWalk 🐾
‘The Highest Technique’, according to Spiritual Teacher Michael Singer
Essentially, any form of dis-ease or negative experience (such as fear, anxiety, depression, or illness) originates from a constriction of energy that becomes trapped within our bodies. The solution lies in expanding, relaxing, and releasing all aspects of our consciousness to allow the release of the trapped energy (or Samskara). [1]
Consider a negative experience, like fear, anger, or sadness. Can you identify the constriction? Can you pinpoint where this constriction exists in your body, thoughts, and emotions?
This practice is intricate, subtle, and requires a lifelong commitment to master. However, it could potentially be one of the most crucial practices for achieving health, wealth, and happiness.
1 Minute for Rewiring 🧡
What’s A Situation That Triggers Fear, Overwhelm or Anxiety for You? Imagine that situation now, and imagine relaxing 1,000,000,000% [Close your eyes and imagine it, and relax completely right now]

If you are doing something to avoid pain, then pain is running your life. – MICHAEL SINGER
Trust Science.
If you treat YOURSELF with the same sweetness, softness and kindness that you deserve in moments of ‘failure’ or whenever you feel anything less than a HUGE WHOPPING SUCCESS… you’ll get back up faster, with more energy, more belief, and confidence and courage than ever.
We all need Love, Softness and Compassion. And YOU’RE the one to give it to you. Ok let’s dive deep with today’s guide.
Your Rewiring Back to Love™ Workout 💪
5 Steps for Transforming Negative Experience into Clarity & Energy 👇