Today, let’s lose ourselves in the music 🎵
When was the last time you truly surrendered to a song? When was the last time you let yourself play, dance, sing, lip-sync, or simply move to your favorite tunes? Today, let’s allow the music to take away anything we’re ready to release.

Memories without emotions fall flat! Music, much like love or certain substances, awakens our feelings. Research shows that our favorite songs activate the brain’s reward system, causing a surge of “feel-good” chemicals like dopamine and serotonin. The better the tune, the more our brain indulges in these happy chemicals, creating a natural high comparable to the effects of drugs like cocaine.

We can’t always feel everything, all at once, can we?
It takes self-awareness and self-compassion to recognize when it's time to fully feel and express our emotions, and when it’s time to let go and just live. Mindfully listening to music to release pent-up feelings is a powerful way to ease emotional tension, promoting both health and happiness.
Sacred Music Workout 🎵
Turning Music into Neuro-Magic
Music influences the brain's emotional and cognitive functions. It engages various brain regions, promotes structural changes through training, induces specific brain oscillations, and has therapeutic potential for disorders, enhancing social bonding, cognitive abilities, and overall wellbeing. [1]
Use this simple but powerful guide for turning music into a neurologically healing experience.
- Consider the last time you have a big feeling. We’ll start with a moment with the biggest emotion you can recall, to help you understand the dynamics and aspects of how to really feel. So just recall a recent moment of Big Feelings.
- Play a song. It CAN be a song that matches your feelings above, but it doesn’t NEED to be. It does however need to be a song that moves you in some way: either moves your body, or moves you emotionally. You need to resonate with it on some physical or emotional level, and ideally both.
- Do your best to reconnect to that feeling and allow the song to move you. Feel it now. Really feel it and let the music move and express that emotion through your body.
- Move from your head, to your heart and body. Keep focusing on feeling emotion and moving your body. If any thoughts come up, and you start to get into your head, just keep focusing on feeling your feelings in your body, and allowing your body to move to the music.
- Let Go. Let it all go. Sometimes it can take a little while, and sometimes we find big energetic blocks getting unstuck in seconds. If tears that you can’t explain come up - just let go into them. If anger comes up - no worries just dance it out. No matter what happens just do your best to keep letting go of whatever feeling comes present. And move. Keep moving to keep allowing the energy move and be released through your beautiful body.
- Warm down when you’re ready. Be kind and gentle to yourself as you choose to complete. Some big emotions could have become unstuck in this process, so allow your Self-Love and Self-Compassion to guide you in completion and a huge hug to congratulation you for doing such great sacred healing work.