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Group Program Testimonials

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Maria Winther from Stockhom has been a part of Allowing.Love™ Group programs since 2018. She graduated from the Allowing.Love™ Mastery and Immersion, and is currently an alumni member in the Love Club!

Nobody wants to fix you. It’s just a space for you to be with whatever’s going on.

And you look at you and you see if you want to correct something or not and those answers come within you. I think that having a space like that is really rare out here in the world.

You guys are wonderful - you are such beautiful examples and inspirations to me on how to live life completely from the heart. Your generosity is admirable and deeply touching to me - I see so much grace in my life now because of you and this work. Thank you.

Jeanne Litt from Houston, Texas has done every Allowing.Love™ program and is now a founding and member of the Love Club. Jeanne is also and Allowing.Love™ Partner. 

I really loved getting to know a small group of people more intimately and just feeling like a family within the larger Allowing Love family. Just sort of like they were brothers and sisters or something. I'm laughing because my age, maybe they could have been my children, but my brothers and sisters

Roel Rats from Utrecht in the Netherlands has been a part of Allowing.Love™ healing programs since 2017. He graduated from the Allowing.Love™ Immersion, and is currently an alumni member in the Love Club!

I experienced such expansion in all areas of my life.

It was important to touch in to the energy every week, just centering with yourself, supported by others in the same mindset.

Ann Von Heland from Sweden initially worked 1on1 with Dr. Zoë Lumiere before going on to graduate the Allowing.Love™ Mastery and join the Love Club.

1-on-1 Spiritual Coaching Testimonial

I spent over six months being coached by a master, Zoe, and the depth, the truth and commitment which was present at each session profoundly changed me. I have gained greater freedom, understanding and so much healing took place, and I laughed so hard I fell out of my sofa and I shared tears of sorrow, of joy and of grace as angels touched me. I let go of patterns that had grown obsolete and of no value for my present life. I let go and forgot old memories of old hurt and judgments which had blocked my heart. All of this took place with Zoe cheering me on, holding with me, gently leading me to the next level of compassion and loving. My gratitude is immense.

Allowing.Love™ Group Coaching Testimonial

I am so grateful for the profound work with my coach Zoe. Allowing Love was an amazing profound experience, where I got to have great realizations and experience deep healing and clearing.

Sam Algieri from New Jersey graduated from the Allowing.Love™ Mastery and Immersion programs. 

As you’re doing the program you’re going to transform and you’re going to be like Whoa.When you start listening to your intuition things start happening.I honestly just started believing in myself.I literally just let go. I used to want to control and plan.But I completely let go and began to trust in myself and my dreams.My dream of being an A-list actress has started to manifest because I let go and started looking up to the Universe and saying ‘Use me!’.

Shannon Bindler from Marin County completed the first Sacred7 group program and is now an Allowing.Love™ Partner.

I call Zoë's program 'the uncoaching program', because you don't go after, hustle and follow your dreams hard! It's more you soften, open and allow your dream to become present. So in a way you stop doing things, which doesn't make sense... But in my experience it's been even more powerful... a really phenomenal experience.

In 6 months I went from wanting to create a business, and wasn’t sure what that was.

My dream was to create a newbusiness... and I created that, and real abundance.

The real power is in Zoe's 'uncoaching' approach. I feel like I finally translated 15 - maybe 300 of the spiritual and self-help books I've read over the years to a real experience.

It was remarkable. I went from not even having an idea to having 3 staff, a launching website and an experience of real abundance.

Paige Stewart from Colorado has graduated from a few of the Allowing.Love™ group programs.

Words cannot express how much my life has changed over 6 months. I found my man-friend. I am creating my own career around my gifts and what I love. And I’m happy. Happier than I thought was possible.

I’m now enjoying 5-figure months and my work is now sought after by new galleries and collectors. Honestly I still have moments where I am blown away by how all this transpired.

Tim Thompson from Long Beach completed the free #5Steps [7 day] program and then graduated from the Allowing.Love™ Mastery and Immersion programs.

Being in the psychiatric field for 35+ years, I can tell you I have come across many, many hundreds of various programs for personal growth and development. They all had the best of intentions and would work well for a narrow target type or persona. I would usually find some aspect I'd feel the need to rewrite in some way so it would line up with all of us instead of a narrow or pre-disciplined group.

I was pleasantly amazed at how simple and direct each step of your program is, and it's goal one that anyone can eagerly get behind. You identified each essential step needed to manifest my dream or life's purpose, then guided me thru it. No fluff. Each step is essential, direct and goal focused and at the same time, Self-honoring, healing and loving.

It is simply brilliant. You are brilliant. In only ten minutes I am able to manifest such a clarity to begin my day with. It clearly feels like I'm building a new muscle to strengthen my sense of purpose and grounding that clarity each day with a simple, easy to do baby-step action I create each morning during the 10 minute process.

You have struck Gold with your Allowing Love program. I am happy to say that I am 'Doing this one', All-In. In Loving Gratitude,Tim Thompson

Bea Young from Annapolis, Maryland completed the free #5Steps [7 day] program and then graduated from the Allowing.Love™ Mastery and Immersion programs.

I was truly awed by the results from your “allowing love” program. I have received true miracles. Including healing my leg, creating my own business, and falling in love with my husband again.

Rachel Macalisang from Los Angeles completed the first Sacred7 group program.

I can honestly say that I have found the love of my life. Oh My God he’s amazing. He’s perfect for me in every way. It's crazy how you can have a vision of your dream, or your Soul mate, and it’s amazing how they CAN actually just walk into your life so easily.I recommend this to anyone who’s looking to fulfill their dreams and visions in a very relaxed, effortless and seamless way.

Melissa Kid from Houston, Texas has graduated all of the Allowing.Love™ group programs and the Allowing.Love™ coaching certification. We are now so grateful to have Melissa as one of our certified Immersion Coaches AND we are beyond blessed and priveleged to have Melissa serve as our Director of Group Programming. 

The daily practice of listening to and honoring my dreams along with the support received through the Allowing Love program has shifted me in ways I could not previously imagine. My out in the world goals are indeed manifesting, but the greatest gift of all has been the true remembrance of the pure love that I am and that I want to share. I love it, and share it with friends all the time.

Marcia Sondeijker from Utrecht in the Netherlands has been a part of Allowing.Love™ healing programs since 2017. She graduated from the Allowing.Love™ Immersion, and is currently an alumni member in the Love Club!

I was led by bad habits, like really bad habits, bad thinking of myself. And know it's a freeing feeling to have dropped all this baggage, this very heavy load.

I can slow down, love myself and enjoy my life.

Jennifer Lennon from New York graduated from the Allowing.Love™ Immersion in 2022.

Participating in the Allowing Love immersion was like walking on a beautiful sun dappled path, with friends, and inviting the heart out to play! Zoe and Eric’s grounded, attentive presence provide a beautiful haven for the evolving soul of each person. The exercises are all extremely helpful in uncovering what needs moving and healing, compassion and holding. I especially resonated with using the gift of my imagination to reveal a more textured conversation with my inner guidance. For me that meant tuning into feelings, senses, words, and visual imagery to create a weave of wisdom to carry into the week with me. Thank you Z & E and all the coaches and participants for your care and authenticity, you are in my heart!

Ofelia Mansera from California graduated from the Allowing.Love™ Immersion in 2022, and she will be an Allowing.Love™ Mentor for the Summer/Fall Immersion.

It is not easy to encapsulate in a few words all the benefits and immense healing and support that this program offers. I absolutely love Zoë and Eric's loving and caring support. They are God-sent to all those who have the opportunity to join their Immersion program. I love that this program is designed to last four months because change doesn't happen overnight. It allows you to work on your process of awareness and healing profoundly. For four months, we all receive continuous and direct support from the creators of the immersion program, from coaches and mentors that offer their loving service, and from fellow attendees. I found the immersion program masterful and all the processes profound and healing. It's remarkable, outstanding work what they have put together. There are no words to express my gratitude to you, Zoe, Eric, and all coaches and mentors. What a beautiful journey! This program offers a remarkable opportunity to heal and connect with the wisdom inside, reframe issues and empower ourselves, and allow love, no matter what.

Linda Herrera from California

Initially, I think it was about five years ago, something like that, but I don't even remember how, but I reached out to Zoe. We had a one time session, like a short session, and something just felt so different. And I was like, oh, okay. What is this? Very curious. And I did the first program, and then what has kept me here is my life, how much it's changed from the first Allowing Love to. Now it just keeps getting better and better in the community. The friends, the Zoe, the community is so supportive and so loving and warm. And I think that's what keeps me here.

Amelia Mouton from Colorado first completed the 17-day Allowing.Love™ program and then completed the Allowing.Love™ coaching certification. We are now so grateful to have Amelia as one of our certified Immersion Coaches.

I've been a participant of the Allowing Love for two years, and I really just love the community aspect, like the people in my Sacred sevens. Both times I felt so safe and comforted and just watching other people show up vulnerably made it so easy to show up vulnerably for me as well. So just that safe space and building friendships with people all over the world has been awesome.

Clara Jansky from Los Angeles first completed the Allowing.Love™ Immersion program and then completed the Allowing.Love™ coaching certification. We are now so grateful to have Clara as one of our certified Immersion Coaches, and she is also working on translating our programs for the Spanish Speaking community.

I've been a participant of the Allowing Love for two years, and I really just love the community aspect, like the people in my Sacred sevens. Both times I felt so safe and comforted and just watching other people show up vulnerably made it so easy to show up vulnerably for me as well. So just that safe space and building friendships with people all over the world has been awesome.

1on1 Healing Session Testimonials

Unique and intuitively led healing sessions customized for each client, designed to clear unconscious blocks and past patterns and conditioning, so that the client can live their true Gifts and Greatness. With Zoë Lumiere via Zoom video conferencing. Learn More

Julia Sinks began working 1on1 with Dr. Zoë Lumiere when she was living in Los Angeles, and continues from St Louis. 

I cannot sing Zoe’s praises loud enough. Through my sessions with her, I learned how to love myself fully and forgive myself fully. It’s challenging and sometimes uncomfortable work, but it is so rewarding and worth it. Once I did this work on myself, I was able to show up more fully in my life; those around me noticed a positive change. Zoe literally changed my life. And now, just a year after our time working together concluded, I have landed my dream job as a labor and delivery nurse! I couldn’t be more thrilled and I know Zoe was instrumental to my success.

Joren Vandervoort from Amsterdam in the Netherlands worked 1on1 with Dr. Zoë Lumiere for a 6-month program.

Zoë has helped me more than 10 years of shrinks, psychiatrists and psychologists.I stopped looking for my answers and my motivations outside of myself, and rather started to focus on what experience, what feelings, what kind of inner life I wanted.It's done wonders for my health and releasing anxiety.It's also changed my career, my experience of my work for the better.I used to be so hard on my self and so caught up in comparison with others in my industry.Now I focus on myself, my awareness, and my life, and things just flow.Yes I'm making more money, but it's not the be-all and end-all I thought it was.

Ann Von Heland from Sweden initially worked 1on1 with Dr. Zoë Lumiere before going on to graduate the Allowing.Love™ Mastery and join the Love Club.

1-on-1 Spiritual Coaching Testimonial

I spent over six months being coached by a master, Zoe, and the depth, the truth and commitment which was present at each session profoundly changed me. I have gained greater freedom, understanding and so much healing took place, and I laughed so hard I fell out of my sofa and I shared tears of sorrow, of joy and of grace as angels touched me. I let go of patterns that had grown obsolete and of no value for my present life. I let go and forgot old memories of old hurt and judgments which had blocked my heart. All of this took place with Zoe cheering me on, holding with me, gently leading me to the next level of compassion and loving. My gratitude is immense.

Allowing.Love™ Group Coaching Testimonial

I am so grateful for the profound work with my coach Zoe. Allowing Love was an amazing profound experience, where I got to have great realizations and experience deep healing and clearing.

Doreen Dietsche from Santa Barbara first started working 1on1 with Dr. Zoë Lumiere. She then went on to graduate all of the Allowing.Love™ group programs, and then completed the Allowing.Love™ coaching certification. We are now so grateful to have Doreen as one of our certified Immersion Coaches.

I’m a nut for the Allowing Love process!” I’ve been involved since Zoe started the Allowing Love program and it’s had such a deep impact in my life. When I was looking to upgrade my client work, “Unpack Your Genius” began to show up over the course of four months, unfolding slowly to show me all of the pieces and how it fits into my master ability of being able to see other people’s genius and how I can use this strength to assist others with leveraging their genius in their online courses and/or in their lives. I am so grateful for getting to see the power of letting go to God and receiving what shows up for my expansion or healing. I am blessed to know how to invite God into my day through Allowing Love and then let God have it’s way with me.

Julia Franklin from New York first started working 1on1 with Dr. Zoë Lumiere. She then went on to graduate all of the Allowing.Love™ group programs, and then completed the Allowing.Love™ coaching certification. We are now so grateful to have Julia as one of our certified Immersion Coaches.

I have worked one on one with Zoe and just had the biggest transformation. And I knew that my next step was sort of creating a community to support me in moving forward and being able to support other people. And I just can't believe what it's led to in my life. Like, having people to constantly be around to cheer you on and being available to always cheer on other people is just life-changing. Being in a community of people who want to grow and expand and be better.

Soraya Kinge from Geneva completed two 1on1 sessions with Dr. Zoë Lumiere.

WOW! What an amazing and profound experience I had with Zoe the other night. She held such an amazing loving space for me and was with me every step of the way. As she is well aware that many of us struggle with self forgiveness, she came up with her own SF process which was so powerful for me. Finally I got what we get out of the self-forgiveness and how healing it is supposed to be. At the end, after sending L&L to my past selves, I ended up asking my future self to send light to me for this moment. It is so bewildering but I am now always connected to my future self knowing she is sending me light. I cannot make sense of it rationally but I feel the presence of my future self who is watching over me all the time. Thank you cannot express enough my gratitude for Dr. Zoë Lumiere who held such a beautiful, loving and compassionate space and allowed me to deeply connect with places inside which I was avoiding for years!

Theresa Laurico from Toronto, Canada worked 1on1 with Dr. Zoë Lumiere for 6 months. She is the client that inspired Zoë to turn the 5 Steps that she shared only with clients, into a free program for the world.

All these things are coming, and I’m NOT pushing, working or ‘trying’ for them.

I’m in awe watching these things come to me so easily.

I always thought I had to work so hard...

But I was wrong.

More is flowing now because I'm not 'so hard'.

It's amazing.

Lucia Doynel from Highland Park, California initially worked 1on1 with Dr. Zoë Lumiere before doing almost every Allowing.Love™ Group program available and she is now an Allowing.Love™ Partner.

In 6 months of working with Zoe I was able to quit my full-time job to pursue my dream career. Now I run my own business as a filmmaker and photographer and I love it.

Zoe’s approach is simple, profound and delivers! If you want to work on yourself and allow your dreams into the reality of your life. This is the program for you!

You also have to be ready to do deep emotional work. If you want to get in touch with your feelings and learn how to come out from the other side, coach with her.

If you have never done anything like this before I suggest you download her free audio program on her website first to see if she is a good fit for you!

Comments from Dr. Zoë Lumiere, approved by Lucia

I’m honored to be a long-time friend of Lucia’s, and to also have coached he now over the last couple of years.

We both lost our Mums when we were 14 years old, and so have supported each other in Love, in letting go, and in trusting that our lives are all given to us for a beautiful and inspiring reason.

I first started working with Lucia as a coaching client to support her in more fully releasing any blocks to Love… and as is often the way… the releasing of the blocks that we have to fully falling apart and allowing ourselves to be completely loved just as we are… gave birth to a clear and tall calling in her heart to create her own life, her own work, and her own business.

Her success has been nothing short of phenomenal, and she is an incredible role model and mentor for others that are born creative, always with new creative ideas cropping up… and learning how to turn that abundance of energy into a living, and into success.

Shayan Hazir from Malaysia & Singapore worked 1on1 with Dr. Zoë Lumiere for a 6-month program.

If there was a way to personify love kindness and gentleness it would be Zoe. My sessions with her were a way to feel connected and secure right to the source within and around us. Her insights were always astute and without judgment, completely immersed in the loving light. Zoe continues to help me feel connected to my authentic self, and everytime I felt challenged, our sessions brought me right back to the great connection with the universe. I would recommend Zoe to anyone, from every aspect of life- it is extremely fulfilling experience to be coached by her and have her support through whatever this life may have in store for us. She is nothing but illuminating in every sense of the word and her radiance is steeped in generosity for anyone it touches.

Simon Torres from Puerto Rico worked 1on1 with Dr. Zoë Lumiere before going on to do the Allowing.Love™ Mastery and other group programs. 

Working with Zoe was an amazing profound experience, where I got to have great realizations and experience deep healing and clearing. She had a great ability to perceive what was really going with all the stuff I was sharing with her. She was able to help me get to the truth under the stories I was sharing. I was amazed at how in such a short time I was able to go inside of myself through so many levels of consciousness with Zoe’s guidance, where I got some very profound realizations and levels of awareness that were very valuable for me.

Klara Koradin from Amsterdam in the Netherlands worked 1on1 with Dr. Zoë Lumiere for two 6-month programs. 

Zoe is simply an amazing coach and human! Her ability to make you feel safe, understood and her natural warmth helped me make a huge step forward in growing and expanding, while moving on from a painful experience. Her continuous support is lifechanging for me.

Rocio Doyle from Los Angeles worked 1on1 with Dr. Zoë Lumiere for a 3-month program.

Working with Zoe was an experience that truly helped me lay the foundation for my business, and realize the growth I hoped for.

Julie Civiello from Los Angeles initially worked 1on1 with Dr. Zoë Lumiere before than doing the Allowing.Love™ Mastery and Immersion programs. Julie is now an Allowing.Love™ Partner.

Zoe is a profound gift to humanity and a very skilled coach. I've been able to do my deepest healing and work with her because of the space she holds, the intuition she uses while guiding and asking questions, and the presence she brings to each session and each workshop. If you are looking to heal, dissolve blocks, let go of painful patterns that are no longer working for you, I highly recommend Zoe to hold space for you and facilitate you through your healing!

Louise Lautman from the United Kingdom has both worked 1on1 with Dr. Zoë Lumiere and completed a few of the Allowing.Love™ group programs.

I did not feel ‘coached’.

I felt empowered in my own wisdom and experience,

which was encouraged and applauded.

We were encouraged to be ourselves and discover more of ourselves.

It served me well and I found it incredibly valuable.

Alejandra Agustoni from Uruguay is an integral part of our free community. Her testimonial is for one healing session with Dr. Zoë Lumiere. 

It's hard to put into words all the healing that's taken place since our last session. I have wanted to write you about this several times as the awareness was so present -- however my gratitude is so immense it didn't seem to fit into words. I know that if you look into my eyes however you will see the transformation and feel the vibration. I hope by looking in my eyes next time I see you, you will see this and experience the wind passing through me. Thank you so much for your deep healing support. I love you.

Free Program Testimonials

Programs for Spiritual Manifestation and Self-Healing via Video training, PDF guide, and Audio meditations. Created by Zoë Lumiere.

Learn More

June completed the free #5Steps [7 day] program.

I've always thought I had and felt gratitude and appreciation for my life and the people in it. But holy smokes it makes a difference to really meditate and focus on it, especially to start my day. Replacing social media with this in the morning has been a complete 180. I've even received a few compliments and comments from a few people not in the know of my journey, and it feels incredible to allow the work to "speak for itself" I look forward to the rest of the days and steps, and integrating these tools into my daily routine. I cannot thank you enough for sharing this program and these tools.

Marie Smith from the Blue Mountains in Australia completed the Free 7-Day Program and then the Spiritual Manifestation Mastery Group Program [now called the Immersion]

Doing the 7 day program supported me to move forward and move through fear that came up in my body. Using the process each day I was more able to be with the fear and rather than do an action to remove myself from it I was able through my commitment to my goal to stay with it, breathe with it until it moved on.

Brenda-li Staana completed the free #5Steps [7 day] program.

Now, I'm super busy with lots of energy and I love it! Your program helped me find the clarity, be open and trust in taking the steps I received from my inner guidance.

That is priceless.

Martha Ringer from Ojai, California completed the free #5Steps [7 day] program.

Your program is genius.

Thank you.

Beautifully put together.

And powerful.

I am spreading the word.

I feel very expanded and trusting my dream is already here.

Yvonne Mochel from Los Angeles completed the free #5Steps [7 day] program.

Words could not fully express my gratitude or the value I received from your work.

Thank you for blessing my life.

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