Every Friday we’re now doing Fenix Freebie Friday!
Watch Here NowDid you know that so much of what we think we ‘feel’, is actually the mental ways in which we resist experiencing pure emotion.
We resist just feeling our fear, which often keeps us stuck.
We resist allowing ourselves to feel natural, healthy anger, and so it builds up and explodes in ways that don’t work for anyone.
We resist our natural human sadness and heartache, and that creates disconnection and disassociation, which overtime can lead to anxiety and depression.
So What if Our Emotions Weren’t the Problem, But a Profound Partner?
What if our actual emotions aren’t the challenge they seem to be?!
What if… the way that we resist and put so much energy into avoiding, repressing, numbing from our emotions is the real cause of what is challenging inside of us?!

Stop Resisting Experiencing Your Emotions 🫶
Stress is primarily our reaction to external factors, influenced by our belief systems and emotional pressures. It’s what we do inside of us that creates the stress. It’s not ACTUALLY what’s happening around you.
Our emotions often are present in order to show us something we need. Fear often urges us to slow down and take care of ourselves. Anger often highlights boundaries and self-honoring. And sadness is just the human reality for beings that Love whole-heartedly. Unfortunately if you’re brave and bold with your loving in this world, loss, and disappointment and sadness is just part and parcel of being alive.
If you knew it were possible, would you want to learn how to let go of the unconscious ways you create stress in your life and dis-ease in your body?
Today we’re inspired by David Hawkins and his Letting Go ‘release technique’.

A Sacred Muscles Workout 💪
Learn how to relax & release your resistance to feelings
Dr David Hawkins inspired this 6-step process for relaxing and releasing any resistance to feelings. As we release our resistance, we experience Non-Resistance more fully. Non-Resistance has often been referred to as Love, or Presence, or God. It’s an energy field that has only love, support and energy for all things. It is void of all resistance.
- Identify the emotion: Begin by becoming aware of the emotion you are feeling. It could be anger, fear, sadness, or any other challenging emotion.
- Acknowledge and accept: Allow yourself to fully acknowledge and accept the presence of the emotion. Avoid judgment or resistance. Simply observe it as it arises within you.
- Feel the emotion: Dive into the sensation of the emotion in your body. Notice where you feel it most strongly and allow yourself to fully experience the physical and emotional sensations associated with it.
- Release resistance: Let go of any resistance or attachment to the emotion. Remind yourself that resistance only prolongs the experience and adds to the stress. Practice allowing the emotion to be present without trying to change it.
- Breathe and let go: Take a few deep breaths, exhaling slowly and intentionally. As you exhale, imagine releasing the emotion with each breath, allowing it to dissipate and leave your body.
- Repeat if needed: If the emotion persists, repeat the process. Sometimes it may take a few rounds of acknowledging and releasing before the emotion fully dissolves.
Fenix Freebie Deets 📌
- Watch this full video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V7Pyf8-0KnI
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- Email us (support@allowinglove.org) to let us know you did all that 👆 Including your mailing address for shipping the PetFood Express $150 Gift Card to you if you win. There’ll be more chances to win all January!!! Gift Card Winner announced January 31 🎁