Just One Paw After the Other
It doesn’t matter how quickly we move forward, it just matters that we keep going... one paw at a time!

True or False: If You Work Faster and Harder, You'll Win?
I have spent years researching the benefits of slowing down: of mindfulness and meditation. And the research strongly leans in favor of slowing down and being mindful if you want to be more effective in your desired outcomes. [1] [2]
When We're Stressed, It Can Be Hard to Slow Down
One of the biggest things that stops us from naturally being present and enjoying our life, is the way that our nervous system in moments of stress and challenge, pushes us to do more, fix something, figure something out, do more, be better, work harder.
In moments of stress and challenge if we can learn how NOT to jump into OverDrive and 'Fix Something', or 'Do More'... we can clear the imbalance in our nervous system, and experience greater clarity and peace for moving forward.

This 6-Step Rewiring Process will help you learn how to let go of the excess pressure from your nervous system, so that you can reconnect with your calm and creative Life-Force.
And remember the hugest key we have is our own self-love and self-compassion. If we can just keep gradually shifting from pushing, punishing and pressuring ourselves to do more, to being kind, sweet, soft, compassionate and forgiving...we are rewiring our neural pathways over time with that shift in energy.
Sacred Workout 💪 Slowing Down for Greater Success & Joy
The next time you find yourself moving forward pushed by fear, stress or anxiety, consider taking 7 minutes or so, and using the 6-Step Rewiring back to Love process to Slow Down and recenter in your own flow and sacred pace.
R – Relax your body, breathe, and Slow Down.
As you let go of the world and it’s pace, relax and find your own pace within. [1]
Ask to be filled with the Highest Good, the Highest Light, the Highest Love. [2]
E – Embrace what pushes, hurries and pressures you.
Accept that you have things outside in the world, that pushes, rushes and pressures you. [3]
Let yourself have compassion for how tough it is to be pushed and pressured in these ways. [4]
W – Write down what the Push and Pressure is saying.
Give the push inside, a voice. Write down what that pressure would say if it had words. [5]
What does this push inside need? Let it share what it needs. Don’t judge. Just write. [6]
I – Inquire about how this experience is strengthening & expanding you?
Be curious. How is this push and pressure helping you find your own pace? [7]
What do you need to honor your own pace and peace? [8]
R – Rewire and Reframe all connected beliefs
Say: “I forgive myself for buying into the misbelief that… “ [9]
Keep saying and completing that sentence until you feel still and silent inside.
E – Experience the truth
Say: “AND The truth is that I am… “ [10]
Keep completing your truth until you feel Whole, Healthy and overflowing with Love.
[1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10] Read Further Explanation Here