You Are Designed to Feel Sadness
Research suggests that allowing ourselves to experience moments of sadness and suffering is essential for developing deep connections and genuine happiness. [1]
By acknowledging and feeling these emotions, we soften our hearts, fostering compassion and intimacy with others.
We Can’t Connect Deeply with Others,
if we can’t connect deeply with ourselves
Avoiding or numbing feelings of pain and hurt can hinder our ability to form authentic relationships. Embracing vulnerability and acknowledging life's challenges enables us to cultivate empathy, gratitude, and genuine connections with those around us.

The Power of Self-Nurturing 💫
It can feel awkward and weird for a while. Imagining yourself being loved by another.
But learning how to use our divine imagination to expand our sacred inner muscles of Loving and Compassion is life-changing.
Today’s advanced guide will help you learn how to heal and transform your sadness and painful experiences in life.
A Sacred Muscles Workout 💪
Growing Your Compassionate Ability to Embrace Your Own Humanity and Heal
Shifting from correction and criticism to love and kindness changes everything. Not because we so, but because science does.
- What can make you feel sad in your everyday life? Write down your answer. It might be subtle, but give yourself permission to see that you do feel sad sometimes. Keeping in mind that EVERY single human being on the planet has at least small, subtle moments of sadness sometimes.
- How do you treat yourself in moments of sadness? Write down your answer. Do you treat yourself with hardness and harshness? Or do you treat yourself with softness, with kindness and compassion?
- What is an area of suffering in your own life? Write down your answer. It might be very subtle suffering, but we ALL suffer. Not on the same scale or in the same way, but just be open to the fact that being more aware of your suffering, in service to being kinder to yourself, could be the BIGGEST missing link to YOUR happiness.
- How do you treat yourself in moments of suffering? Write down your answer. Do you avoid, ignore, distract or numb out? Or are you very present and comforting with yourself?
- Now consider, learning how to pick yourself up, like a small child when you’re sad, and holding and loving you.
- Close your eyes. Imagine that you are a huge angel, of unconditional loving and compassion. You can imagine your dogs, and loved ones, and anyone else that you like beside you, loving you to serve as a battery for loving yourself.
- Imagine your sadness as you as a baby. Let this baby represent your pure, innocent essence.
- Start by whispering this to your baby: I see you. I hear you. I love you.
- Let your loving fill this baby in your arms. Allow the miracle of being the Huge Heart of Loving that you are, AND also a human form, at the same time. Allow the healing experience of being the Love that you need, AND receiving the Love that you need, in the same breath.