Grief Support

Grief Support

Dr Zoë specializes in offering grieving support, including pet grieving support and compassion fatigue support.

Zoë uses a unique combination of Somatic Therapy, Radical Compassionate Grieving and Spiritual Psychology.

This approach has two fundamental goals:

One. Allowing the emotional component of grief to be successfully released through the body so the traumatic impact of grief on the brain doesn't create lasting effects and dis-ease.

Two. Allowing the spiritual component of grief to be fully unpacked so that your reconnection to the essence of your Loved One is re-established and you have the Clarity and Courage you need for the next beautiful chapter of your life.

Dr Zoë offers a 17-Week Online Pet Grief Support Program.

The founding cohort will begin February 19, 2025.

You can sign up anytime, and complete the program via video recording. Click below for full details.

Group Support

Online Pet Grief Support

Zoë has helped hundreds of clients transform grief, addiction, trauma and a wide range of adversity into healing and health.

"Zoë has helped me more than 10 years of shrinks, psychiatrists and psychologists. I stopped having panic attacks in about 3 weeks. I stopped looking for my answers and my motivations outside of myself, and rather started to focus on what experience, what feelings, what kind of inner life I wanted. It's done wonders for my health and releasing anxiety." Joren V, Amsterdam
"Working with Dr Zoë was not what I expected at all. The whole process is so soft and safe. I thought it was going to be much more painful. I trust life and relationships so much more now. This was the best gift I've ever given myself." Robin S, Ashland
"Dr Zoë gave me my life back. I still miss Poppy. But I can feel her again. And I can sleep, and enjoy life again too." Elaine L, Los Angeles

Being part of Zoe’s online groups has been powerfully healing, most profoundly in the area of pet loss and grief. For a long time after the death of my beloved Oliver, I thought my grief would consume me. With Zoe’s guidance--and the support of the amazing humans she gathers together in her groups--I discovered that opening myself to grief was expanding my capacity for love, compassion, and connection, and kindling a curiosity to discern my life’s purpose ... which has recently included letting a scrappy little rescue dog into my heart, thereby restoring joy. Zoe radiates love and emotional openness so transparently that it’s practically impossible not to experience healing in her presence. I can’t wait to take the next steps on this journey with Zoe and her rainbow daughter, her beloved Blue Healer Ellie.

More Testimonials

Dr Zoë is also currently writing a book on her approach and personal journey with grief.

It's actually much more than a book. It's a movement.

The Blue Healer will be shipped in 2025. Pre-Order your copy here.

And just in case you haven't been with me for an online experience, here's a couple of testimonials that will help you lean into taking the plunge to join us!

I am beyond grateful for the profound healing and growth I've experienced in the last year of working with Zoe, Eric, Fenix and Ellie. When I first met Zoe I was physically and emotionally debilitated by the loss of my soulmate dog. I felt lost, isolated, and misunderstood until I experienced the loving support of the Sacred Circle sessions. The compassion, vulnerability and spiritual insight offered helped me reconnect with my inner child, and grow in so many unexpected areas of my life. Zoe is an angel, with a beautiful gift to help others heal their darkest pain, and find love and strength within themselves to break through to happiness and ease.
Kim L.
Dr Zoë's empathy and compassion allowed me to connect with Cisco's spirit. When I cried, she cried with me.
She never dismissed the gauntlet of feelings - rage, sadness, questioning, emptiness.
She gave me the space to miss him forever.
With her guidance, I saw all that he taught me about love, understanding, patience, compassion, kindness. Now, I have 2 more rescues to love. 

Sheila P.

1on1 with Zoë

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