Greater Support 🫶

Support is a two-way street; it involves both the courage to ask for help and the bravery to offer it. Embracing vulnerability in both giving and receiving allows us to build deeper connections and foster a more compassionate community.
Greater Support 🫶
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I hope you know, that we ALL need support.

Our life will require that we ASK for support from other beings. And our life will also require that we GIVE support to others.

Often we feel more comfortable doing one over the other. And so expanding into the other experience of Support can be where your greater growth and expansion lies…

Needing AND Giving Support Requires Vulnerability

It’s easy to see that needing support makes us vulnerable, but offering our support, extending our love and gifts to another is also a vulnerable act.

Either way… in order to grow and create greater community and support in our lives we all need to REACH OUT more. To be vulnerable. And to connect.

You’ve probably seen it before, but watch it again. This TED Talk is one of the most watched EVER. But we still have a far way to grow as a globe towards embracing and living more vulnerably. Play Video | Dr Brene Brown on Vulnerability

Your Sacred Support Workout 💪 Creating Community & Support

The following instructions are brief. Get the full explanation with examples in the dashboard.

Just 1 Question today. And then 1 inspiration to follow.

Ask yourself, on a scale from 0 to 10: How Full Am I?

In each and every moment, you get to experience what Full means to you.

Where 0 = Empty and 10 = Full

When you are full, you know and feel it. You experience that you have what you need, and you feel whole and able to support yourself and others.

If you find yourself doubting, or questioning, or not being able to figure out if you feel full - or HOW full you feel – consider that you’re running on empty. Usually when our heart and body is on empty, our mind is overactive and is in questioning and fix it mode. This is a common sign you’re running on the low side.

If you answer: 0 – 3 🐼

Reach out and ask for what you need! Ok so you’re feeling a little low. You’re running on or close to empty! So it’s time to reach out for more love and support. The empowering truth about this experience is that the key here is that you reach out and ask. This is a Self-Loving Self-Compassionate action. This is HUGE. This is worthy of celebration and joy. It’s NOT about how your request was supported or not. It’s about the fact that You Had the Courage and Self-Love to Ask 🙌

If you answer: 4 – 6 🐱

It’s time to reach out and ask for support OR consider supporting others! Woot woot!!! You’re far from empty! You’re feeling great! And yep there’s room to grow into greater fullness! Awesome! So You Can Choose! Trust yourself. When you find yourself at around a 4 to a 6, trust your intuition. If you’re nudged to reach out and ask for support – do that. If you’re nudged to reach out and support another – do that. And if you’re called to do both – do that.

If you answer: 7 – 10.

Reach out and offer your support. Ask someone if you can help! Congratulations! You have clearly been self-loving yourself profoundly! Way to go!!!!!!! Time to take a moment and truly celebrate you right now… 🥰 🙏 🥰 🤩 😘 😃 🙏 🥰 🤩 😘 😃 It’s time to expand into that next level of your growth, by allowing yourself to give from the overflow.

The empowering truth about this experience, is that the key here is that you ask and / or offer love and support. This is a Self-Loving Self-Compassionate action. This is HUGE. This is worthy of celebration and joy. It’s NOT about how your ask or offer is received or used. It’s about the fact that You Are Reaching Out! You Are Connecting! And You Are Asking / Or Offering Your Love and Support to Your World 🙌

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