Getting Over the Bump 🤕

We all feel like a failure sometimes—small, broken, and useless. But remember, it's okay to fall; what matters is how we rise. Instead of pushing yourself harder, try treating yourself with the same softness and kindness you'd offer Fenix.
Getting Over the Bump 🤕
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We All Fall DOWN.

As adults, many people aren’t going to admit this to you, but we ALL feel like a FAILURE sometimes.

We all feel small, not enough, broken and useless sometimes.

We all fall down physically. And we all fall emotionally.

Yep everyone.

Here’s How to Get Over All Bumps, Says Dr Zoë

So many of us think that pushing, pressuring and even punishing ourselves when we are on the floor and feeling terrible… is  the way to do more, to do better, and to overcome.

But psychologically we know that doesn’t work.

What works is softness, kindness, loving and compassion.

It feels counter-intuitive, but just try it. See if it works for you.

The next time you feel not-enough, or like a failure… let yourself treat yourself like you would treat your child, or like Fenix… if they came into the room feeling bad about themselves and feeling really down.

If you treat YOURSELF with sweetness, softness and kindness …

You get back up faster, with more energy, with more belief, and confidence and courage than ever. We all need Love, Softness and Compassion. And YOU’RE the one to give it to you.

Your Sacred Healing Workout 💪 Overcoming Painful ‘Problems’

  1. So the next time you feel really down… I mean really down. Try this.
  2. Imagine that there is a small child inside of you. Imagine that the part of you that feels really down, or not-enough, disappointed, betrayed, like a failure… etc… is a small child inside of you. You can call them “Little Your-Name”.
  3. Let Little-You speak. Give Little-You the pen and let them write. Let them share how they feel. Let them write uncensored, freely, whatever they want. Let them keep writing until they feel a little complete, a little silent.
  4. Be soft, be kind, build them up with Love. Now get up, maybe grab a drink of water, move around a little. You are now going to use the MOST kind, loving, and soft-hearted place inside of you to respond. From Your Soft Loving Heart, write back to yourself. Tell yourself what you need to hear. Embrace, be kind and love yourself. [Don’t try to fix or change yourself, but be kind, compassionate and supportive].
  5. Now ask Little-You ‘What do you need?’ Let them answer.
  6. Now, as Your Soft Loving Heart… give Little-You what they need. Use your imagination, your intention, your intuition.
  7. Love yourself. Trust you. Trust your heart. Keep going until you have allowed some of your own Loving and Support to truly be felt within.
  8. Use the Advanced Dashboard Guide for an ever deeper guide [Available until the end of this week]

Rescuing Animals is a PATH for Rescuing Yourself

Did you know that?! I didn’t REALLY know that until Ellie.

Because while Fenix has taught me SO MUCH. SO. MUCH. Rescuing him was easy. It was graceful. It didn’t feel like work. It didn’t feel that challenging.

But the amount of time, tears and tough moments I’ve had with Ellie has really triggered some deep wounds in me.

Seeing Ellie not be able to get up, triggered the little Zoë in me that couldn’t get up.

Feeling little Ellie’s frustration at not being able to move, get her toy, do what she wanted, has triggered all sorts of pain and compassion in me.

Rescuing animals – if you choose to feel and heal through the process, is a pathway for rescuing yourself. I’m contemplating doing a workshop series on this. Email me back if it would be of interest to you 🤔?

I love you. And Fenix and Ellie adore you just as much too.


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