Embodied Affirmations 💬

What we think and feel within shapes our reality more than we know. 💫 Embrace your emotions with compassion, but don’t forget to align with the love, peace, and joy that are already a part of you. 🌈 You are the creator of the life you deeply desire—let that light shine brightly!
Embodied Affirmations 💬

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The Power Within Us…

Our inner thoughts and emotions are far more powerful than we often realize. 😊

While it’s essential to honor and embrace our feelings, showing compassion for the challenges we face…

It’s equally vital to align with and deeply embody the Positive Vision we desire for our lives.

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Did You Know? You Are the Essence of Love, Peace, and Joy 😊

Yes, you have a body. Yes, your mind and emotions can take you on a wild ride.
But here’s an even deeper truth: You ARE Love.

The peace you seek already resides within you—it’s the very core of your being.
And Joy? That pure, unshakable Joy you felt as a child? It’s still there, always.

Thank You for Being a Source of Joy, Peace, and Love

Your presence makes this world a brighter place.

I hope you enjoy today’s heartfelt affirmations, designed to help you embody your truest self.

And don’t miss our advanced resource—a video guide on transforming what you love and enjoy into work that brings both fulfillment and abundance.

A Sacred Affirmations Workout

Expand into your Essential Nature

  1. In which area of your life would you like to experience more JOY – more unabashed and overflowing happiness?
    1. Example: work
  2. Give the first example that comes to mind, as an experience of JOY you would like to have consistently in this area of your life.
    1. Example: I want to have fun with colleagues and am laughing a lot every day.
  3. Write an authentically embodied affirmation of this experience. Use as many emotional adjectives as you can. Make sure it starts with “I am… and make sure everything is in present tense.
    1. Example: I am abundantly having fun with my colleagues and laughing easily and freely every day!
  4. Now say your JOY affirmation out loud. Then close your eyes and see, imagine and FEEL that experience fully for 17 seconds.
  5. In which area of your life would you like to experience more PEACE – 100% peace of mind, calm and relaxation?
    1. Example: my health, specifically in my back pain
  6. Give the first example that comes to mind, as an experience of PEACE you would like to have consistently in this area of your life.
    1. Example: I want to feel trusting and relaxed that I’m gonna be ok. And I want to be pain free.
  7. Write an authentically embodied affirmation of this experience. Use as many emotional adjectives as you can. Make sure it starts with “I am… and make sure everything is in present tense.
    1. Example: I am genuinely trusting and am 100% relaxed that back my IS ok. I am experiencing freedom and peace in my back.
  8. Now say your PEACE affirmation out loud. Then close your eyes and see, imagine and FEEL that experience fully for 17 seconds.
  9. In which area of your life would you like to experience more LOVE 🥰 ?
    1. Example: my marriage
  10. Give the first example that comes to mind, as an experience of LOVE you would like to have consistently in this area of your life.
    1. Example: I want to feel connected and in love again. I want to feel understood and appreciated. I want to feel like a team.
  11. Write an authentically embodied affirmation of this experience. Use as many emotional adjectives as you can. Make sure it starts with “I am… and make sure everything is in present tense.
    1. Example: I am experiencing deep connection and Love in my marriage. I feel understood and authentically appreciated. I feel like we are the world’s most amazing and connected team.
  12. Now say your LOVE 🥰 affirmation out loud. Then close your eyes and see, imagine and FEEL that experience fully for 17 seconds.


About the author
Dr. Zoë & Fenix

Dr. Zoë & Fenix

The ultimate happy coaching combo. Fenix supports humans be their best selves and beyond. Dr. Zoë adds a little science and strategy.

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